The 2024 Tournament
The sports-cultural association "Interamnia World Cup", with the technical collaboration of the Italian Handball Federation, under the aegis of the Italian National Olympic Committee and the International Handball Federation, organizes the "51th Interamnia World Cup international handball tournament ”.

The event, divided into two sections, will take place from 8 to 14 July 2024  in Teramo.

The participants

Participation is reserved to youth teams - men's and women's - of clubs regularly affiliated in the current season to national federations belonging to the International Handball Federation and to provincial, regional and national representative teams, which are a direct expression of national federations belonging to the International Handball Federation. The participation of school youth teams is also permitted, whose national body is affiliated to the International School Sports Federation.

They will be present on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary

Cities of the world


The game rules of the Italian Handball Federation and the International Handball Federation will be observed. The development formula includes an elimination phase, a semifinal and a final. Each team will play a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 matches.
The races will take place in the morning and in the afternoon in Teramo or in other places.
The competitions will take place in Teramo, in some Municipalities of the province and in L'Aquila, Chieti and Pescara. The teams housed in Teramo will generally play in the pitches set up in the city, while those staying in other locations will generally play in those locations. If a minimum number of teams opting for accommodation in other locations is not reached, so as not to allow the matches to take place, the organizing company will promptly notify the teams and will arrange for the matches to take place in Teramo.


A - INTERAMNIA UNITE GRAND PRIX Over 19 University teams – born before 1-1-2005
B - Over 21 born before 1-1-2002
C - Under 21 born 1-1-2002 and younger
D - Under 18 born 1-1-2005 and younger
E - Under 16 born 1-1-2007 and younger
F - Under 14 born 1-1-2009 and younger
G - Under 12 born 1-1-2011 and younger


University teams – born before ’1-1-2005
I - Over 21 born before 1-1-2022
L - Under 21 born 1-1-2002 and younger
M - Under 18 born 1-1-2005 and younger
N - Under 16 born 1-1-2007 and younger
O - Under 14 born 1-1-2009 and younger
P - Under 12 born 1-1-2011 and younger


Antonio Zichichi

"Questa manifestazione sportiva, con migliaia di giovani provenienti da quarantadue Paesi, è una prova del legame tra i popoli che sa produrre lo sport. Scienza e sport sono due componenti essenziali della cultura che predica l'amore... La scienza, come lo sport, contribuisce alla fratellanza tra i popoli, di cui c'è estremo bisogno oggi... Amore e ragione sono le due componenti essenziali affinchè nel mondo possano trionfare la pace, la liberta, la giustizia. A voi, giovani sportivi, il compito di rendervi portatori di questo messaggio di pace e libertà"- messaggio agli atleti di tutto il mondo riuniti a Teramo, 11 luglio 1984

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